And that's a wrap
December 19, 2023
tags: life_goals programming japanese
I’m finally done with this semester. I wrote my last final yesterday (discrete and combinatorial math), and already got my mark back (it was a B-). Now I’m just waiting on the other final marks to get officially posted; the final exam marks for my data structures and operating systems came back, I got an A- and a B+ respectively. The final exam mark for my computer hardware class has yet to come in, but I pulled in so many marks from 100%-ing the assignments and scoring well on the midterm that I’m not overly worried about failing.
It’s a shame the winter break is so short for me, but I’m still hopefully going to make the most of it. My plans for the break are as follows:
Finish 本好き vol.1
Pretty simple, I’m around 60% through it and I only stopped cause the schoolwork was stressing me out. I can probably crush it over a few days of intense reading, so we’ll see how it goes.
Finish the blog software and get it online
The software that hosts this very blog you’re reading is technically working, but still lacks much of the polish and intended features originally laid out. I’m gonna take the next few days to sort out the QoL and finishing touches on the minimum viable product, and throw this up on some cheap hosting with a cool name. You in the future reading this will know what the name of this site is, so I will leave the judgement up to you as to if it’s cool or not.
Start/continue working on a side project that isn’t the blog
I’ve outlined some side project ideas in previous entries that I’ve been wanting to work on, and so I’m going to pull one of them from a hat and just get started on that. Key word here is “getting started”, not “starting and finishing”; I need to get the base of something going that I can drop in and make small commits on from time to time, similar to how I’ve been nickel and dime-ing work on the blog software.