oh god oh god

September 25, 2023

tags: life

Current song: 忘れられないの - Sakanaction

I fucked up. Apparently I have a Operating Systems lab that I haven’t attended the last two weeks after math. Thankfully there hasn’t been any deliverables in said labs, just an assignment I didn’t realize was a thing until today, and it’s due in 2 days. Needless to say, things are certainly going. Quality of my data structures and algorithms class has drastically improved after talking with the prof, so things are on the right track now. I’m also getting used to the longer gaps on campus; I thought they’d be more torturous but they’re proving to be a well timed gap between classes to crank out homework. Speaking of labs and homework, I have yet to even look at my Hardware class’ pre-lab work. I should be more concerned considering the circumstances, but I think things will turn out alright.

It’s pretty hard to keep up with flash card mining nowadays, I’m just more busy than I was last school year and I’m running out of “common” words. Now more than ever I’ve started relying on the frequency lists to guide my mining judgement, thank god for JPDB. Books are now the best place for me to find words, but my reading speed still feels too slow and is a friction point when compared to just reading manga or rewatching an old favourite with the JP subs.

I wonder what I’d be doing right now if I hadn’t finally stuck with anki, I think I’d be spending my free time a lot less wisely than I do now. Not that I spend most of my time wisely, I’m still severely lacking when it comes to doing all the fun projects and ideas I want to do, or to even commit to stuff over my summer break, but at least now I take some baseline pride in my situation. I think I’d be watching even more youtube, or playing really boring multiplayer PVP games. I’m glad I stuck with anki.