24 Days of ???
December 4, 2023
tags: life school japanese projects
Oops, forgot to write for a while. To be fair, this semester has been a gong-show, and so I will not be apologizing. Radical self-acceptance or something like that, except I accept I'm a lazy fuck and it's the ADHDs fault, not mine.
Fun fact: The website (backend) is technically finished, meaning the only thing stopping me from letting it loose on the world wide web is making the frontend pretty, and scrounging up enough money for a year’s worth of web hosting. I’ve decided against hosting on a local machine, as I don’t think my internet would survive that level of incoming traffic. I’m hoping to get the frontend and other smaller stuff sorted over the winter break so that my beautiful personal site can take shape in January.
As for other side projects, I need something to pad the resume for 2024. My current list of contenders is:
Immersion Assistance Tool
A custom made program to help with learning Japanese via immersion. IAT as I will refer to it, will use data analysis of subtitle files, books, game transcriptions, etc. to suggest media based on user goals, provide a powerful search feature for vocab and grammar, etc. IAT will take the form of a server with a REST API backend to perform queries on existing data, or to send data to the backend to go through a processing pipeline (run through a Japanese language parser, tokenize all words, etc.). The REST API will allow for multiple frontends, though the first frontend will be a React PWA for ease of development. This project would lend itself well to a microservice architecture; queries, data processing, recommendations, etc. could all be their own services.
Metal Shear
I'd like to finish metal shear proper at some point. To me completion means getting the youtube integration working, setting up some automated build scripts, and most importantly, thoroughly documenting the project via the readme so prospective employers don't have to dig through code. Also renaming variables.
On the Japanese learning side of things, I feel like I've been lacking. I still do Anki daily without issue, but mining my daily quota of 14 words has gotten harder as of late. That's both a cool and good thing (I'm getting better!) but also means progress is slower unless I seek out harder content or make time for reading. Speaking of reading, I fell off the book club for honzuki. Classes take priority, simple as. I plan on finishing it over the holidays though.
I've been ruminating on how I would make a “I studied Japanese for X days straight” post, it's going to happen soon™ so help me god.